
24 May 2014 Session with Enid Webb & Family

Penny Jennings

BlackTree Photographie

Session with Enid Webb & Family



Family Portrait Session with Enid, Natalie & Grace Webb

This was a really fun session.  I am just getting out there and starting to take images of people.  For years I focused on landscapes and inanimate objects.  I have always heard that people add so much more to an image; and they do. 


The location chosen for the session was the park in Genoa across from the Country Store.  It is kind of hidden away in a quiet and shaded little spot.  It is a beautiful place to take outdoor portraits and I am so happy I have my friend, Jennifer Cantley, who showed me the park when I photographed her a couple of weeks earlier.


The park starts out with a few picnic tables, where I sat an hour before the session, planning spots to photograph, putting props together, and preparing in general. 


As Enid and her girls, Natalie & Grace, showed up, I helped them with anything they had in their car that they might want during their session.  We then signed contracts and got all of that stuff out of the way and then we were off to begin our session!


For the session, we had headpieces made of pink and green beaded garland and a fuchsia feather boa.  The girls had fun playing around the long cream-color sheer curtain that was flowing from a tree branch.  We also had a white fuzzy rug for the girls to sit on and flowers with which to play.  Enid brought bubbles and the girls played in them while I took some pictures.  We took a break too, had some snacks and drinks, and then continued our session.


The park if filled with beautiful trees with lots of shade and green grass and we took full advantage of these earthly aspects. There are also a couple of old buildings that are really cool to take pictures in front of, but we did not access them this time.  The entrance seemed to be closed or I was in the wrong spot to enter there.  So, we went down the dirt road a little bit and found a nice shaded spot, and a scary bee!  With super-mom Enid to the rescue, no one was injured or hurt.  The bee flew away and three hours of time did too as we finished up our session. 


Enid is such a sweet and beautiful woman. I loved having her glowing light around me and the opportunity to photograph her and her two daughters, Natalie & Grace.  I had all these Ideas for her girls and she just let me go with it. She just went with my plan and flow and I with the natural flow of the girls.  I have figured out the key to photographing children, no matter what their age.  The key is to let them go about and do their own thing.  If they are allowed to be themselves and play, as children do, then better pictures are rendered from each session. 

When I was taking their images, I could feel such a strong bond between a mother and her daughters.  And the girls are such well-behaved young ladies, fitting their elegant names so perfectly.


I would like to thank Enid, Natalie & Grace once again for being a part of my portfolio session for BlackTree Photographie.  They are a wonderful addition to my collection!

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You may view the rest of their gallery here: